
Sensitive Building Design

The GKI Resort seeks to locate tourism accommodation in a manner that is sensitive to the natural topography of the Island.

Buildings and paths will be located away from sensitive environments and be located in areas of the Island that have already been significantly disturbed by past grazing activities and former development. They will be clustered to allow significant vegetation buffers and height restrictions will apply to ensure they predominately fit below tree canopies.

The Resort will embrace best practice in Environmentally Sustainable Design principles, including:

  • Appropriate site orientation: to maximise natural ventilation and light to therefore reduce reliance on air conditioning and artificial lighting;
  • Passive design attributes: such as exterior shading and good-performing façade and glazing elements;
  • Use of ‘whole of life’ building materials: which reflect the natural character of the Island and minimise environmental impacts;
  • High-performance building services systems and resource-conserving systems: for energy, water and waste; and
  • Use of the latest technology: in solar hot water systems; installation of natural gas cooking facilities in Resort Eco-villas; installation of motion sensors and energy efficient lighting; and fully insulated Eco-villas.

The GKI Revitalisation Plan is proud to support the CQNRL Bid

CQ NRL Bid Supporter